Friday, May 8, 2009

Up All Night

sometimes my body decides it doesn't want to sleep. not that it doesn't need sleep, but just wants to remind me who's boss. these times, of course, are not on nights i'm up finishing a paper or studying for a test. so i lay awake in my bed hoping to catch some shut eye, but to no avail. the hours just tick by without being used for something productive.

finally though, i have broken the cycle. tomorrow i will look as if i got in a bar fight, and lost. but i will have written two-thirds of a story, revised a poem, and recounted the event to no one but myself.

recently bought the LOW VS DIAMOND album and it is quit stellar. lead singer Lucas Field has a Killers meets Carolina Liar feel, but not quite as whiny as the latter, and a little more rugged than the former. first check their live Daytrotter Session, the gent has some genuine pipes.

i bought a pair of Doc Martins for my impending semester abroad at Glasgow University. they cost a pretty penny, but the flower design and idea that would last me forever convinced me it was worth it. they arrived today and were, apparently, made in Taiwan... disappointing?

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